Hi there,
Welcome to our website and to our blog. Be unbeweaveable was launched in 2014 and before starting the business, I visited India to find the best hair quality. It was an intensive trip full of obstacles but worth it. In the back of a small Tuk Tuk I travelled with my partner through India for 10 days.
‘Some were big factories, others where lofts in houses, or simply a corner in the living room’
Before leaving I made a list of potential companies to visit. The Tuk Tuk driver was very nice and drove us around all day. The hair business is an important source of income in India. It was very interesting to see different companies. Some were big factories, others where lofts in houses, or simply a corner in the living room. I saw various types of hairs because even in India there is good and bad quality. For me it was also very important to do business with a clean and organized company. There were factories where it was so full of hair and people that you could barely breath. It happened a few times that I left the place immediately after arrival.
‘It was quite late and raining when he proposed us to bring us to a factory that was
a 1-hour drive’
During our trip, we had two different drivers. Where the smart people rented a car we decided to be adventurous and concur all in Indian style. After a while our second driver noticed that we were looking for hair. It was quite late and raining when he proposed us to bring us to a factory that was a 1-hour drive away. I was not sure if it would be worth it but since I was already in India we decided to give it a try. And that’s where I found what I was looking for.
The factory was big, organized and very clean. The hair was the highest quality, off course the price was also higher but my goal was the best hair. After inspecting the hairs, my partner negotiated about the price and we placed an order for 10 kilos. With bags full of hair, we left two days later back to the Netherlands.
‘I’m happy to share my adventure with you and to be able to offer great hair’
India has a very rich culture and the people are very friendly. Besides looking for hair we also visited a big temple unfortunately we were not allowed inside the temple because we were not religious. We enjoyed the Indian kitchen and did some shopping at the local stores and markets. India was a pleasant experience and for sure I would love to go back again to explore different parts. For now, I’m happy to share my adventure with you and to be able to offer great hair.
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Ciao Daya
Be unbeweaveable