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Please find herewith our frequently asked questions. 

1. Par­tial pay­ments plans

We cur­rent­ly don’t offer par­tial pay­ment plans.

1. Deliv­ery

USA Ship­ments (Domes­tic)

Please note that we care­ful­ly pack every order. Deliv­er­ing qual­i­ty prod­ucts has our high­est pri­or­i­ty. Our pro­cess­ing time before ship­ping out your order is cur­rent­ly 2–4 busi­ness days. Kind­ly note pro­cess­ing time can take up to 10 busi­ness days for the bundle deals or when we are run­ning a sale. Order pro­cess­ing starts as soon as the order has been placed. Order mod­i­fi­ca­tions are there­for not per­mit­ted after an order has been placed. This includes ship­ment meth­ods, prod­uct changes, address changes and cancellations.

All orders are being shipped with US Post Office (USPS). Deliv­ery time depends on the select­ed option.
Pri­or­i­ty ship­ping:  1–3  busi­ness days
Express ship­ping: 1–2 busi­ness days
All track­ing num­bers are being pro­vid­ed per email by Pit­ney Bowes. Vis­it for more infor­ma­tion. Please let us know before order­ing if you need your order by a spe­cif­ic date to be sure that we can accom­mo­date your needs.

Inter­na­tion­al Ship­ments

Please note that we care­ful­ly pack every order. Deliv­er­ing qual­i­ty prod­ucts has our high­est pri­or­i­ty. Our pro­cess­ing time before ship­ping out your order is cur­rent­ly 2–4 busi­ness days. Kind­ly note that pro­cess­ing time can take up to 10 busi­ness days when we are run­ning a sale. Order pro­cess­ing starts as soon as the order has been placed. Order mod­i­fi­ca­tions are there­for not per­mit­ted after an order  has been placed. This includes ship­ment meth­ods, prod­uct changes, address changes and cancellations.

We have two ship­ping options to choose from when it comes to inter­na­tion­al orders. Please let us know before order­ing if you need your order by a spe­cif­ic date to be sure that we can accom­mo­date your needs.


Ship­ping with USPS (Unit­ed States Postal Office) takes around 10–15 busi­ness days  for inter­na­tion­al orders. Please keep in mind that this is an esti­mate.  When choos­ing this ship­ping option you will not have any war­ran­ty when a pack­ages gets lost. All track­ing num­bers are being pro­vid­ed per email by Pit­ney Bowes. Visit for more information.


Ship­ping with USP is a guar­an­teed ser­vice and the deliv­ery takes for most inter­na­tion­al coun­tries 2–4 busi­ness days. This ship­ping option also comes with a sig­na­ture require­ment. Please note that all track­ing num­bers are being pro­vid­ed per email. Besides the track­ing num­ber you will also receive a day and  time indi­ca­tion of the deliv­ery.
Vis­it for more information.

2. Ship­ping address

Undeliverable/Lost/Return to sender

It is impor­tant to pro­vide the cor­rect ship­ping address. If the incor­rect address or e‑mail address was pro­vid­ed please reach out to us as soon as pos­si­ble at
We might be able to adjust the details if the pack­age has­n’t ship yet. It is also impor­tant to keep track of your pack­age by using the pro­vid­ed track­ing code. Don’t for­get to check your spam mail as well.
- Be unbe­weave­able is not respon­si­ble if the incor­rect address was pro­vid­ed and a pack­age can­not be retrieved.

- Be unbe­weave­able is not respon­si­ble when a pack­age is deliv­ered at a pick-up point and not col­lect­ed in time.
- Be unbe­weave­able is enti­tled to charge addi­tion­al fees for the return costs to Be unbe­weave­able.
- Be unbe­weave­able is not respon­si­ble for any addi­tion­al costs to rede­liv­er a pack­age when the pack­age has been returned to the sender.
- All inter­na­tion­al UPS options come with a sig­na­ture con­fir­ma­tion. Be unbe­weave­able is not respon­si­ble for addi­tion­al cost to rede­liv­er the pack­age when a cus­tomer refused to sign for the pack­age or when nobody is avail­able to sign for the package.

- Be unbe­weave­able is not respon­si­ble for lost packages

3. Cus­toms

Please be aware that Be unbe­weave­able is not respon­si­ble for any extra import costs. The cus­toms depart­ment in your coun­try could charge for an inter­na­tion­al pack­age. Con­tact the cus­toms depart­ment in your coun­try for more information.

4. Delays

Please note delays can occur for Domes­tic and Inter­na­tion­al orders. Delays can occur due to var­i­ous rea­son such as delayed or can­celled flight, cus­toms that needs more time to inspect pack­ages, employee’s short­age etc. We will do our best to pro­vide infor­ma­tion about your pack­age but Be unbe­weave­able is lim­it­ed to the infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed by the track­ing code as well.

Please note that products on back order are not ready to ship. It can take up to 3 weeks for the orders to ship from our supplier in India. Only select this order if you are not in a rush.

We also offer expedited shipping options from India. The expedited shipping options costs, will depend on your country of residence. Please email or call us for the most accurate information. 

1. COVID-19

Please note that due to COVID-19 espe­cial­ly inter­na­tion­al ship­ping can take longer than usu­al. Be unbe­weave­able is not respon­si­ble for extend­ed deliv­ery times due to this world­wide pan­dem­ic.

Con­tact the Ship­ping Agency for any spe­cif­ic infor­ma­tion. We will do out best to pro­vide infor­ma­tion about your pack­age but Be unbe­weave­able is lim­it­ed to the infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed by the track­ing code as well.

1. War­ran­ty

Hav­ing a high-qual­i­ty stan­dard is very impor­tant with­in our com­pa­ny for the prod­ucts that we sell. If a prod­uct does not meet your expec­ta­tions, please con­tact us via

After eval­u­a­tion of the prod­uct by Be unbe­weave­able and/ or the man­u­fac­tur­er we will decide the prop­er solu­tion. If we decide to exchange an item, the item need to be received back in the exact same way it was shipped. Mean­ing not worn, cut, col­ored or altered in any way. Also mean­ing all tie wraps, labels and orig­i­nal pack­ag­ing in tact. This includes the plas­tic packaging/labels  for all clo­sures and frontals. If we receive the items oth­er­wise, we will not be able to accept the return and you will be charged for the costs to ship the items back to you.

We advise to return the items through a trace­able postal car­ri­er with sig­na­ture for your pro­tec­tion. We are not respon­si­ble for items lost in tran­sit. The cus­tomer is respon­si­ble for all return costs.

- Be unbe­weave­able is not liable for dam­age to our Raw Indi­an Hair that have been caused due to any form of (chem­i­cal) treat­ment. Items that have been to any form of (chem­i­cal) treat­ment can­not be exchanged, returned or replaced.

- Due to the del­i­cate nature of lace clo­sures and lace frontals they can­not be returned, exchanged or replaced.

- Due to the del­i­cate nature of the Kinky curly bun­dles, they can­not be returned, exchanged or replaced.

Kind­ly note that the com­plaint will be marked as set­tled when advise giv­en by Be unbe­weave­able is not being fol­lowed by the cus­tomer. After mak­ing Be unbe­weave­able aware of a com­plaint, there will be a 1‑week time­frame start­ing from the day of the com­plaint to come to a solu­tion. It is impor­tant that any agree­ments regard­ing to mak­ing a call appoint­ment, deliv­er­ing addi­tion­al evi­dence or any oth­er instruc­tions will be ful­filled by the cus­tomer with­in a week or the com­plaint will be dis­qual­i­fied and marked as settled.

1. Returns, Exchanges and Refunds

Thank you so much for pur­chas­ing
Be unbeweaveable.

We val­ue pro­vid­ing the high­est qual­i­ty to our cus­tomers and we take hygiene very seri­ous. After we receive the hair from India at our head office in Mia­mi it will be care­ful­ly packed to be sent to our cus­tomers. You can be sure that you are the exclu­sive and sole own­er of all items pur­chased. To assure this ALL our web­site pur­chas­es includ­ed vir­tu­al prod­ucts are final sale.


Please note that all our hair is 100% Authen­tic Raw Indi­an Hair and not chem­i­cal­ly processed. Mean­ing that every Bun­dle, Clo­sure or Frontal can be dif­fer­ent in Col­or or Tex­ture. Most items are col­or 1B, but you may also receive items that are more black or brown.

We will always do our best to match all Bun­dles, Clo­sures and Frontals per­fect­ly as pos­si­ble. You may always add a col­or request in the notes sec­tion at the check­out page. We will always try to hon­or your request if we can do so.
Keep this also in mind while plac­ing sep­a­rate hair orders to be worn in the same wig/weave install­ment. Be unbe­weave­able is not respon­si­ble for dif­fer­ence in texture/ col­or espe­cial­ly while plac­ing sep­a­rate hair orders


Please note that the lace is not ini­tial­ly made to be bleached. Bleach makes just like hair also the lace weak­er. This can some­times result in hair appear­ing at the inside of the lace.

Be aware of this when buy­ing ready to ship wigs or plac­ing your cus­tom wig order.
- Due to the del­i­cate nature of lace clo­sures and lace frontals they can­not be returned, exchanged or replaced.


Please note that all Cus­tom Wigs are Final Sale.  It is the cus­tomers respon­si­bil­i­ty to fol­low the giv­en instruc­tions to pro­vide the cor­rect head mea­sure­ments. Click here to watch the tuto­r­i­al ‘how to take cus­tom head measurements’


Please click here


Please note that all pri­vate and group Wig Mas­ter Class­es are final sale. It is impor­tant to make sure that you are avail­able on the select­ed date since this time slot is exclu­sive­ly booked for you.
- When sched­ul­ing a pri­vate or group Wig Mas­ter Class, please make sure you are avail­able on the select­ed date. No changes can be made after booking.

Click here to book your Wig Mas­ter Class


- All Online Wig Mas­ter Class­es are final sale.
- All video’s can be rewatched as much as need­ed for a dura­tion of 90 days
Click here to book your Online Wig Mas­ter Class


Kind­ly note that all Nat­ur­al Hair Care Kits are final sale due to hygien­ic rea­sons.
If a prod­uct is dam­aged, defec­tive, or miss­ing please reach out to

Please pro­vide pic­tures of the pack­age and prod­ucts as well.

Click here to shop the Nat­ur­al Hair Kit 

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