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17 tips to keep your hair unbeweaveable

Most important tip!

1. Ladies cut the ends!

The weave is Raw, meaning the ends are unprocessed. Cutting the ends will give a healthy and full look. Always treat the weave as your own hair.

2. Weave installation

Please keep in mind it is always important to keep enough space in between the tracks especially in the nape area, it is therefore not advised to double tracks. The hair can tangle when tracks are too close on top of each other. Keep in mind that sweat or living in a hot a humid climate can also cause tangling when the hair is too close on top of each other.

3. Static hair tip

Sometimes the hair can get static/dry due to the shipment. All bundles are shipped in plastic packages from India. This issue can be solved by simply washing the bundles with Shampoo/Conditioner before the actual Wig or Weave installation.

4. Bedtime tip

Comb the weave before sleeping, make a ponytail or big braids. If you have Raw Indian Curly weave, divide your hair into 4 braids to prevent knots. Always use a silk head wrap to keep the weave smooth and flat.

5. Brush tip

Comb the weave well before washing. Do not brush Raw Indian Curly when dry. Start at the ends and work your way up. Brush with care to prevent excessive shedding.

6. Brush tip when wet

Use a wide toothed comb or brush for Raw Indian Straight and Wavy weave when wet and saturated with conditioner. Comb Raw Indian Curly only when it is damp/wet and fully saturated with Conditioner to prevent tangling and use a Curly brush specifically for Curly hair.

7. Wash tip

Wash the weave once a week or when needed. Try to limit using shampoo since this will strip the weave from oil, dirt but also all moisture. Co-washing with conditioner will clean the weave as well without stripping all the moisture. Do not brush the hair when saturated with Shampoo. Please visit Be unbeweaveable’s YouTube channel for a detailed video with wash instructions.

8. Wash tip

Squeeze the excess water after washing out of the weave with your hands. Do not use a towel because the fabric is rough, leaving the hair cuticles in the opposite direction. Always airdry. Using a hair dryer can cause frizz when done incorrectly.

9. Conditioner tip

Always use a conditioner! A good moisturizing conditioner is necessary to soften and moisturize the weave.

10. Sedal

For Raw Indian Curly we recommend using Sedal. Sedal is a leave-in crème that leaves Raw Indian Curly moisturized and defined. Apply it on damp hair, apply the scrunching method and let the hair preferably airdry. Do not use Sedal on dry hair. Sedal can be purchased on our website.

11. Styling tip

Always use a Heat Protectant while using heat. Please keep in mind that using excessive (high) heat can shorten the lifespan of the weave. Tip: Blow dry or use a heated styling brush first on Raw Indian Straight and Wavy for a sleeker look. Try Perm or Flexi Rods for heatless curling results

12. Serum tip

Use a serum after styling the weave as a finishing touch, we advise Biosilk Therapy Original. Do not use much to prevent greasy hair, a few drops should be enough.

13. Flawless curls tip

We recommend using hairspray when curling the weave. Remember the hair is Raw and not chemically treated. Hair spray will give the curls a better hold. Click here for a curling tutorial.

14. Swim tip

We do not advise swimming with loose hair, make a ponytail or braids to prevent tangling.

15. Maintenance tip

We do not advise leaving the weave installation longer than 2 months. It is important to let the natural hair rest in between. Wearing the weave too long could damage the natural hair. The weave can be reused, just do not forget to clean the weave properly.

16. Bleaching

Please note that Bleaching Raw Indian Curly can make the curls looser. Hair extensions that are chemically treated are no longer raw. Be unbeweaveable is not liable for damage to hair extensions that have been caused due to any form of chemical treatment.

17. Recommended Products

Heat Protectant:
L’Oréal Sleek it heat spray
Shampoo (limit use)
Biosilk Silk Therapy, Sulfate free bingo hair care, Biotera anti-frizz intense smoothing
Biosilk Silk Therapy, Sulfate free bingo hair care, Biotera anti-frizz intense smoothing
Biosilk Shampoo/Conditioner is not recommended to be used on Raw Indian Curly
We also teach Wig Master Classes if you would like to learn wig making and customization.
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